Operation Antarctica Defense

Operation Antarctica Defense

Defending the Southern Ocean and its Marine Wildlife

Operation Antarctica Defense

Defending the Southern Ocean

Operation Tuvalu

Defending Atolls and Reefs in the South Pacific

Operation Albacore

Fighting illegal fishing in Gabon, West Africa.

Illegal Fishing Campaigns

Partnerships to Protect Africa’s Marine Wildlife

Operation Jeedara

Defending the Great Australian Bight

Operation Reef Defence

A Campaign to Stop Adani in the Great Barrier Reef

Operation Living Fjords

Pilot Whale Defense Campaign in the Faroe Islands

Operation Sola Stella

Combatting Illegal Fishing in Liberia, West Africa

Operation Siso

Fighting illegal fishing in the Mediterranean Sea

Monachus Defense Campaign

Protecting Mediterranean Monk Seals

Operation Siracusa

Defending the Plemmirio Marine Reserve in Italy

Baltic Sea Campaign

Defending harbor porpoises in the Baltic Sea

Operation Jodari

Combatting illegal fishing in Tanzania

Apex Harmony - Timor Leste 2017

Fighting illegal shark fishing in East Timor

Operation Jairo Med 2017

Sea turtle defense in the Mediterranean Sea

Operation Dolphin Bycatch

Protecting dolphins on France's Atlantic Coast

Operation Driftnet

Shutting Down a Fleet of Illegal Driftnetters

Ghostnet Campaign

Protecting the wildlife of the Mediterranean Sea

Operation Icefish 2014/15

Chasing down a notorious poaching fleet

Turtle Defense Campaign

Protecting sea turtles in Cabo Verde

Operation Nemesis

Our 11th Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign

Take Action for the Oceans!

We Need Your Support